Chess Camp

  • Chess
Integrity Academy: 1701 Toomey Rd, Austin, TX 78704, USA
Jul 31 2017
Aug 04 2017
All Day Session
Morning Session (9AM-noon)
Afternoon Session (1PM-4PM)
  1. Sun 
  2. Mon9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  3. Tue9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  4. Wed9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  5. Thu9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  6. Fri9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  7. Sat 


The camp schedule is structured, but at the same time it is fun. Classroom size for our chess program averages 12-15 campers. We make every effort to group friends together, but groupings within the chess programs are dependent on the camper's chess playing ability. Teaching methods and lessons are specific to each instructor, but the main focus is the same: present the chess material in a fun, exhilarating and entertaining way. All necessary equipment is provided. There are no expectations placed upon the campers, and the atmosphere is very relaxed. A typical day in our chess program will include instruction, activities and, of course, an opportunity to try their new skills with an opponent.

Camp Schedule includes: an hour lesson with an hour break for practice and snack and then another hour lesson. This same format is repeated after lunch for all-day and afternoon sessions.

Extended Care
Active Learning Services does not provide extended care. Our instructors try to arrive one half hour or more before the class day starts. We do permit children to arrive early as long as our instructors are there. Some host schools offer extended care as part of their summer programs. Parents should contact the host school directly to find out what programs are available.

Graduation Day
Chess campers receive a chessboard and pieces and a folder full of work completed throughout the week.

The USAChess chess camp is for chess campers of all abilities from 5-15. In most camps we will have enough students for groupings by ability. Thus, younger inexperienced chess players will be grouped together for chess lessons, practice and play. Older children will learn more advanced lessons and concepts.

Snacks and juice will be provided at the camp during snack time, however lunch is not. Campers are required to bring a complete lunch of their own if attending all day. Refrigeration of lunches will not be available. If your child has specific allergies you will be given the opportunity to describe these allergies in the forms emailed to you upon completion of registration. Since peanut allergies are wide-spread, we attempt to purchase snacks that do not contain nut products. However if your child has an extremely severe allergy of any kind, we recommend that they bring their own snacks to camp.

Our staff is comprised of the best hand-picked children's chess instructors in North America and our computer enrichment staff is specifically trained to teach the software and curriculum. We feel so strongly about our instructors' abilities that we fly them to each of our camps from their home cities. Our selection process for instructors is highly competitive. In addition to in-person meetings, interviews and classroom observation, we conduct thorough background checks to ensure that only the best instructors are part of our team. Teaching children is their passion and their enthusiasm is infectious.

Cancellation/Change Policy
A full refund minus a $25 service fee is given if cancellation request is received 30 days before camp. After this, refunds will not be given. If a child is sick and is unable to attend the camp, a doctor’s note is required for a refund minus service fee to be given. Switching sessions or camps is permitted based on space available. There will be a $25 change fee accessed for any change.

Additional Parent-Only Class
Join us on Tuesday the week of your USA Chess camp for our parent-only class. Parents who have never played chess before will learn the basic rules and opening tactics. For parents who know about chess, our chess camp instructors will review opening principals, discuss tactics and strategies will be discussed.

When: Tuesdays 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Cost: $29 if pre-registered, $39 on-site.
All-day campers schedule includes: an hour lesson with an hour break for practice and snack and then another hour lesson. This same format is repeated after lunch.

Class dates

07/31/2017, 08/01/2017, 08/02/2017, 08/03/2017, 08/04/2017

Additional services and fees

Parent-only Class $29.00


Participants must currently be 5 years or older.

Program enrollment capacity

Minimum: 1

Registration period

Registration starts on 04/24/2017.

In-person location

Integrity Academy: 1701 Toomey Rd, Austin, TX 78704, USA
Registration closed.